Sunday, November 16, 2014



Release Date: 9 Dec 1983     


Cast:   Al Pacino (Tony Montana)
Steven Bauer (Manny Ray)
Michelle Pfeiffer (Elvira)
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (Gina)
Robert Loggia (Frank Lopez)

Director: Brian De Palma

Writer: Oliver Stone

Producer: Martin Bregman

Universal Pictures

Universal Pictures


The actors in Scarface are very good that make this movie realistic, it is a good movie and it seem so real and stuff like this actually really happen every day.  The three actors I chose from my film are Al Pacino (Tony Montana), Steven Bauer (Manny Ray), and Michelle Pfeiffer (Elvira).  The type of actor that I got from Al Pacino was the method acting, it seemed that he was actually in the movie using real life experiences.  "Method acting (often known as "the Method") is perhaps the most famous type of acting, and the most often ridiculed and parodied" (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014).


Michelle Pfeiffer type of acting is "Stylized acting is used when actors and directors want to call attention to the fact that the actor is, indeed, acting. While this is generally not desirable, sometimes it is"(Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014). In this movie Michelle Pfeiffer is a person who just lets herself get push into being with (Tony Montana) even though she did not want too she still went with him just because he would have killed her if she did not want to go.  She was drug addict so she had nowhere else to go after her husband had got killed, being with Tony Montana would give her the drugs she need. 


The acting style that I got from Steven Bauer is stylized acting, him and Al Pacino made this film feel so real like if they had been through things in their past.  Steven Bauer stylized acting character brought too much attention to himself when he was trying to be with Tony Montana's sister, which is what caused him his life.  Tony Montana was a ruthless man he was selfish that is what made him lose everything he work so hard to get.  


The mise en scene that were used in this movie were the clubs where is show Tony Montana starting off into the Drug world of Miami. The director use a lot of good props and scene for this movie especially when they went to Colombia to go make a deal with the top drug dealer that Tony Montana was going to deal with is his new venture.


Al Pacino has always portrayed a gangster in other films, he does it so good that he kept getting roles as gangster.  In the films previous to Scarface Al Pacino played in the (Godfather), he also portray a gangster in this film as well.



 Goodykoontz, B. & Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Films: From watching to seeing. (2nd ed.). San Diego

            CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


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